Fall always carries with it a touch of sadness

Autumn has always been my favorite season. There is something other-worldly about Fall in New England; some golden spell lingers over the brilliant colors, crisp air and falling leaves that penetrates my soul with its mysterious power. Unlike Spring, Summer, and Winter, which unfold year after year in similar fashion, each Fall season seems completely different and unique – a once in a lifetime experience for me to enjoy!


Being outdoors on a glorious Fall day, and seeing the explosion of colors wherever I turn, brings to mind the words from the hymn “Canticle of the Sun”:

“The heavens are telling the glory of God,
and all creation is shouting for joy…”

Just breathing the Fall air and marveling at the foliage seems to have a rejuvenating effect on me and makes me feel as if I was a 12 year old boy again – and seeing the world for the first time.

Fall is the harvest season, the time of the year when nature’s beauty is in full display; the time of year when I can put away my lawn mower and be glad to pick up a rake; a time when I can walk and run without being overcome by heat or insects; a time when I do not need my home heater or air conditioner.

Despite the magnificence of Fall it is also a season of melancholy for me. I have thought about the reasons for this:

  • Fall is the season that most demonstrates the passage of time – it encourages us to think upon the swiftness with which our days are passing away.
  • Strange as it seems, the source of the power behind the spectacular days of Autumn is the death and decay of the living – which carries an idea of sadness with it but also a lesson for us to consider about what beauty we can bring to the world when it comes time for us to decay and die.
  • It signifies the start of shorter days and longer nights, the beginning of a dormant period for nature and reminds us that we too are part of a cycle of life that is beyond our control.
  • It is a time for looking back. Fall days past, because of their brilliance, come easily to mind and take me back to memorable times spent with loved ones that I will never get back.

Let us embrace both the joy and sadness of Autumn – both emotions have served me well on my journey and have helped me to honor the past while appreciating the beauty of today. Blessed are we to witness the “year’s last loveliest smile…”

About alanalbee

I am a retired man with time on my hands to ponder the big and little things that make life interesting and meaningful... View all posts by alanalbee

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